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The UAB to reactivate its Microsoft Office 365 environment

On 3 November, the UAB will be working on the reactivation of the Microsoft Office 365 environment; all university members will need to create a new password before once again using these applications.

The validation process has been improved to reinforce the system in the case of any future cyber attacks. To do so, we have implemented a two-factor authentication security measure in the new Microsoft environment which will actively protect against future attacks.

Under this new authentication method, everyone will need to create a new password by clicking on this form, and all of those who at some point informed the UAB of another alternative e-mail address will be able to change their password. For security reasons, users will be able to access the form only when using the UAB internet or wireless network – steps to follow within the form.

Members who have never provided an alternative e-mail address will need to proceed in the following manner:

  • PDI (lecturers and researchers) must contact their department (each department will designate a person for this task), which will identify them and ask for their NIU and alternative e-mail address.
  • PAS (administration and services staff) must contact their direct superior in person, who will write down their NIU and alternative e-mail address.

Members who communicate their alternative e-mail address before 2 p.m. will be able to create a new password through the form the very next day.

It is important not to use passwords which have been used in the past nor create a password which is used to enter other websites.

Despite creating a new password, the current Microsoft environment will be maintained until the change to the new environment on 2 November. It will not be possible to access Microsoft for a few hours while this change is taking place. Information on the exact hours will be given on the UAB’s Telegram channel and website.

Once the new environment is up and running, it is important that everyone use a computer (not a mobile device) to enter with their new password by clicking on this address: Instructions will then be given as to how to enter the new system following the two-factor authentication method.

The Office of Information and Communications Technology continues to work non-stop to recover the rest of UAB services and reestablish them as soon as possible with the maximum of guarantees.

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona wishes once again to express its gratitude towards all members of our community for their support and towards all external users for the possible inconveniences this cyber attack may have caused.